Prayer of the Faithful – Christ the King Sunday (Year B)

Priest:  Acknowledging the divine reign of God over all things visible and invisible, we place our needs at the foot of his throne. For the Church of God, that she might faithfully preach and make present the Kingdom of Christ by testifying to the truth. Let us pray to the Lord. For government leaders throughout the[…]

Sunday Intercessions

In an effort to provide a quality Universal Prayer for the Sunday liturgy in the parish where I am currently assigned, a number of visiting priests and deacons have spoken quite highly of the prayers that I have composed. In the course of our conversations, they have asked how they might obtain these prayers and[…]

Writing the Prayer of the Faithful

The following thoughts are compiled as a practical aide to those ministers and lay faithful who are charged with composing the Prayer of the Faithful. It is not intended to evaluate on a historical-liturgical level the merits of introducing these into the Roman Rite. On Sundays after the Creed, parishes around the world enter into a part[…]