Prayer of the Faithful – 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Prayer of the Faithful 25th Sunday of Ordinary Time Year B Priest:  We gratefully present our petitions to the God who gives the gift of humility so that we might be childlike in his embrace and docile to his precepts. For our Holy Father, our bishop, our clergy, and all the clergy throughout the world,[…]

Hand-holding at the Our Father

A recent question came to the parish from a parishioner concerned that some people were not holding hands at the Our Father. This particular gentleman thought it represented a “disunity” among the body of worshipers because some chose not to do what everyone else was doing. In investigating this, I found that holding hands during[…]

Pride of Place: Gregorian Chant

Since the publication of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy Sacrosanctum Concilium by the Second Vatican Council, the Catholic Church has continued to experience liturgical diversity which ranges from legitimate diversity to outright abuse.  More particularly, music used in the liturgy has since varied in form, style, and genre, and the previous forms of sacred[…]