Prayer of the Faithful – 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)

Priest:  Spiritually poor and begging like Bartimaeus, we call out to the Lord and ask him to have pity on us and hear our prayers.

  • Let us pray dear friends for the Church of God throughout the world, that she grow in numbers, and her numbers grow in holiness. Let us call upon the Lord.
  • Let us pray dear friends for our civic leaders, that they may grow in a deep respect for others who serve alongside them. Let us call upon the Lord.
  • Let us pray dear friends for the blind and those who suffer from diseases of the eye, that the Lord increase their spiritual sight. Let us call upon the Lord.
  • Let us pray dear friends for our parish community, that we might rely on the strength of Christ who fortifies us in weakness. Let us call upon the Lord.
  • Let us pray dear friends for our brothers and sisters who are close to death, that they may be reconciled to the Father through the last sacraments. Let us call upon the Lord.
  • Let us pray dear friends for our beloved dead — especially:  N. — that they may know the joys of God’s Kingdom. Let us call upon the Lord.

Priest:   Almighty and merciful God,
who have gathered a people unto yourself,
reveal your saving power among us
by answering the prayers we make to you.
Through Christ our Lord.